Monday, April 26, 2010

What is your most annoying place to get a pimple??

Your Chin,Forehead,Cheek,Nose,Upper Lip

Me the cheek its harder to get rid of...without medication|||on my as$ LOL, just kidding, i would have to say, on the side of my nose where the nose crease meets the cheek area. they are sooo hard to pop|||Nose... it%26#039;s very hard to cover|||Near the lips.|||Your nose, chin.|||On my back where I can%26#039;t reach it.|||Inside of my ear, or nose. It hurts like crazy and there%26#039;s nothing I can do about it.|||forehead %26amp; nose|||well tip of nose and the side of the bridge of my nose...or right below my eye!|||Nose.|||on the nose and right smack in the middle of my forhead or chin|||on the tip of my nose or slap bang in the middle of my forehead|||the ears|||Nose or cheek. They always take forever to get rid of.|||At the tip of my nose! Grrr!!!!|||Inside your nose.... ouch.|||Inside your nose.|||nose, those big ones that my friend has on her face are disgusting.. like a witch or something.... forehead is nad also *since i have a big one lol*|||on the tip of my nose, its so hard to disguise|||Nose. You can see it right in front of you!!|||crease of the nose|||inside my nose|||right on the lip line. it hurts so much you cant pop it!!!!!!|||first its the nose - noone wants too look like rudolph

second its the upper lip because it annoying and it hurts

all the others are normal places too get them - unless its like a big zit in the middle of your forehead. then you just look weird!! i mean its the first thing ppl will see when they look at you. eww!!|||nose|||chin!|||The very tip of your nose, can%26#039;t disguise it and it really really hurts, also everyone knows you got it from drinking too much.

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