Monday, April 26, 2010

If i pierce a white pimple with a needle will i get a scar or mark?

Don%26#039;t do that. It will leave a scar, a small scar, but a scar. As yucky as they look just try to cover it up w/ makeup and let your body take care of itself|||It won%26#039;t leave a scar. The area might be a bit reddish for a while, like an insect bite, but it won%26#039;t leave a scar. If it did, I%26#039;d have scars all over my face, and I have no scars. If you do use a needle, be sure to sterilize it first so you won%26#039;t get an infection.|||well ive done that alott before, just take a needle put it in some peroxide then pop it. After you pop it just put a little peroxide on a piece of toilet paper, then rub on pimple to ensure no scarring happens.|||Definitely! Never pop a pimple, especially w/ a needle, because it%26#039;ll be prone to becoming infected and scarred.|||I doubt it|||yes then it will turn a blothchy red its gross dont do t man!!|||Try to only pop blackheads.|||most likely|||It depends. If you draw a lot of blood it will.

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