Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What do you do after you pop a pimple?

or a pimple pops it self.

How theres a red spot, can you do anything about that?|||Don%26#039;t pop or squeeze a pimple yourself (if it does it without you touching it its ok)- someone my dad knew popped a pimple and she died from it. Apparently bacteria/germs got into her body from her hands (this can happen even if you hands are washed). Try putting peroxide on it- it sometimes dries them up (but beware it can sting a lot).|||You can put alcohol on it but that will mostly just deal with the bacteria that caused the pimple. I would just suggest that you do your best to ignore it. Pimples are annoying, but eventually they%26#039;ll fade. the more you mess with it, the more likely you are to have scars on your face when you get older.|||Yeah i%26#039;ve dealt with acne all my life it kinda stinks but yeah honestly the real solution is just not to touch it. Its better to just let it heal. It should clear up in like 2 days. Still wash your face though. Proactive helps but yeah i heard ppl putting toothpaste on it but idk about that one. Never tried it|||lol same problem, i used to have to alwayz pop my bros pimples and he just let thm bleed or let the white crap come out. its not a bigg deal.|||I clean it after with acne medicine. There%26#039;s nothing you can do about the redness you just have to leave it alone after|||Scream in a very high pitched whinny voice with perfect unchanging pitch for about 25 seconds|||I run around and tell everybody, and then preserve it on the mirror!|||dont worry what it looks like just wash it with hot water to clean and open your pores then put an acne treatment or face cleanser on and you%26#039;ll be just dandy|||Wipe off the mirror.|||nope.

just dont pop them|||Ummm? i don%26#039;t know mine does the same thing don%26#039;t feel bad|||call 911|||i wash my face with a cream and then put this stuff on my face that helps with controlling pimples and that kind on thing.

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