Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What are some really quick ways to remove a pimple. ? ?

So, say you got a zit and you have a date tonight what are some fast ways to get rid of them, or make them less visible. (other then make-up) Thanksss.!!!! |||try tooth paste, or ice..

or you can take some aspirin, add some water.. make it into a paste and apply..

all of those should help with swelling/bumps..|||It%26#039;s pretty impossible to get rid of a pimple in less than 24 hours. If it%26#039;s a pretty small one, put toothpaste on your pimple for an extended period of time (it%26#039;s supposed to be overnight, but I%26#039;m guessing you don%26#039;t have that much time). Also try putting egg white on it for 20 minutes (it can be used overnight, but if not then 20 minutes).|||i think you better put a mask ( moisturising one ). faster go and consult the outlet that sells mask etc. after that mask, maybe you will get to see your pimples less redness, you can try apply some concealer to make it less obvious. |||I wouldn%26#039;t fuss with it, it would only get worse. Concealing makeup, if you want.

But don%26#039;t panic, if a guy asked you out, it%26#039;s really not going to matter much to him. If you just act interested in him, you%26#039;ll seem like the Most Beautiful Girl in the World.|||why not make up? or maybe a clean %26amp; clear acne control thing that works in 3 hours...|||the netrogena wave?? acne free?? idk theres really no ways to get rid of them fast except makeup

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