Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have horrible red pimple like things on the tops of my thighs, what re they , can i get rid of them and how?

i exfoliate them alot and moisturise, ive tried loads of things. i also have them on my arms and they make me really self concious.

hope you can help me :)

becki xxxxx|||It affects half the planet but most people have never even heard of it. What is this mysterious disease, you ask? Well, if you know what it is, you%26#039;re probably one of the unfortunate ones to be dreaded by its presence. It%26#039;s called Keratosis Pilaris. To some it%26#039;s just a fancy, scientific term, but to most it%26#039;s comparable to the devil himself. A breeding ground for insecurities and depression, Keratosis Pilaris can easily turn an every-day situation into a nightmare full of anxiety.

Keratosis Pilaris is a skin condition that causes acne-like bumps (resembling goose bumps) from a build up of keratin, a natural protein in the skin. It%26#039;s most commonly found on the upper-arms, but it can also be plagued in such areas as the face, thighs, back, chest, and buttocks. Keratosis Pilaris isn%26#039;t contagious and the only way to spread it is through reproduction (meaning: yes, it%26#039;s only hereditary). It isn%26#039;t harmful, just a nuisance. Getting rid of Keratosis Pilaris isn%26#039;t the easiest thing but there are possible treatments for it.


My friend had the arm ones and I remember some of our guy friends made fun of her so she ended up getting them lasered off (that is definitely the expensive way though). If you want a cheaper way, try just wearing clothes that cover those areas and on days when the bumps aren%26#039;t showing, flaunt your legs and arms! Best of Luck!|||if you wear tight fitting clothing like blue jeans and tighter sleeved shirts,it could be just that the hair follicle is irritated. keep doing what your doing and wear shorts or looser fitting jeans. and tees|||they are heat bumps and they are more then likely from wearing your jeans to tight or sitting on the ground alot. I recommend seeing your dermo. so you can get something to help control it :-)|||get it checkout by a doctor, or it could just be razor burn or something. google it and compare it with pictures

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