Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do you get rid of a pimple fast?

I popped the pimple and then used clearisil pads on it and it won%26#039;t go away.

tell me how to get rid of pimples fast!! PLEASE!!|||this is gonna sound weird to you but ... toothpaste!

you will feel it really cold on your face kinda stingy. It doesn%26#039;t get completely rid of it the next day but it drastically minimizes the pimple and will possibly make it go away much faster.|||dont pop the zit agian. i did it before and it left a big spot oon my skin. drink alot of water,or put baking soda on it.or try toothpaste.but the best solution is to just leave it alone.if you pick at it you never know what might happend to your skin.

if you use the toothpast remedy make sure its paste !!!|||hemorrhoid cream, it takes away the swelling and redness, then cover it up with a bit of makeup.|||get a huge bowl of ice water. wash your face in really hot water, then, immediately dunk your face into the bowl of ice water. then...repeat this several times|||clearisil cleansing gel or acne cream. Also drinking water helps. The clearisil acne cream works for me.|||Put a dab of toothpaste on it and cover it with a band-aid overnight.|||pop it again! and use some skin care products like dove or clean and clear. When you pop a pimple it won%26#039;t automatcially go away|||put some toothpaste directly on it and leave it on over night make sure it is not the gel but the paste|||drinking water will help clear your skin

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