Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have small pimple like bumps on my labia. What are they?

I%26#039;m 14, and I have small pimple like bumps on my labia. I%26#039;ve had them for about 8 months..Around the time I lost my virginity. He wore a condom. And he was a virgin. Could it be HPV? Or Herpies? Please reply as soon as possible.|||Possibly Fordyce spots, but I think you would have noticed them before. Yeah, you should definitely see a doctor. Both the conditions you mentioned can be passed through skin-to-skin contact so a condom doesn%26#039;t help much.|||if it is several bumps it could be herpies or something and even with protection a disease could still be spread and he might of been lying about being a virgin or it might just be pimples try getting a really hot towel or taking a hot bath and then they might pop or deflate but if they dont i would see a doctor|||They sound kinda like fordyce spots? I have them on the hair follicles that are inside my labia, theyve been in the same place since i was little. but if they hurt, or look like blisters they might be a problem. Go to your doctor and when they ask if your sexually active tell them and let them know any concerns you have.|||labia?!


u mean vagina?

and sorry,

but ther is a possiblity you have an std.

not that you should be having sex anyway

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