Saturday, December 26, 2009

What are some really good ways to get rid of a pimple!!!!?

ok i have a pimple and well its not even a full pimple yet its just like a little mound and i have been using toothpaste and its kinda working but what are some fast ways to get rid of a pimple??

thanks!!|||well if you steam it it will open up and then the toothpaste may work|||ok what i do is pop it when its like sorta white but dont if its not but go to walmart and buy nutergena daily face mask and i tliterly makes it worse in less than two days!!!! i swear i could see results on me the next day!!!! but at least try it,oh! and wash your face withe either water or clean and clear idk or i forgt what its called but there are these little balls inside that open pores and cleans ur face really good!

sory if this dosnt help:/

good luck!:)|||For a quick fix you can place a warm wet tea bag over the area or a cotton ball dipped in lemon juice (don%26#039;t use lemon juice if you have a sensitive skin). Check out for more info and home remedies.|||i find the best way to get rid of a pimple is to just leave it alone..the more you mess with it the redder and irritated its goin to get :)

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