Saturday, December 26, 2009

After using Acne spot treatment my pimple grew?

I washed my face and then applied Nuetragena Acne spot treatment to my face where a pimple seemed to be forming. I woke up and a small pimple had formed. When I got home from school I applied it again and when I took it off the pipmle was bigger. Is this suppose to happen? Is it jus because the pimple absorb the product? Should I continue use?|||it probably did that because it

was bringing the puss up to

the surface of the skin.

THAT IS GOOD.|||acne ruins your life, get accutane:) unless you only get occasional acne|||Oh, you%26#039;ve screwed up. You have used the Nuetragena Acne Fertilizer formula. It%26#039;s going to get huge!|||Lots of times pimples have to reach their full potential before they get better. Usually the best course of action is to leave it alone, because chemical irritation increases acne. |||no i think you used the wrong one! i have an idea. youll need these itme: baking soda and water. then you mix water and bakign soda together until it makes fair paste texture. wash where acne is first... then you apply.. wait 15 mins of when it finaly dries away on it own. then rinse where the acne is. continue this daily until you get results. i have a nother way.. get a sport that will make you sweat(not golf itsnot active enough) like basketball... and you have to sweat because you need that oil on your face. then rinse your facewith water (any temperature) option%26gt; apply soap for best results. wash your face with water/rinse again and dry ur face .. continue the prcess daily and it will naturally .. days later.. ur skin will look smoother.

plz answer my question.. im relly upset wat happened today%26gt;;鈥?/a>|||It sounds like the product you used just didn%26#039;t do anything and the pimple continued growing. You might even be allergic to it?

I think Neutrogena uses salicylic acid. Try something else. Just look at what the active ingredient is.

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