Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have what I'm assuming is a pimple starting to come up right above my lip and below my nose.?

It is VERY painful. My face rarely breaks out and I%26#039;ve never had one hurt like this before. It isn%26#039;t really red and it isn%26#039;t really super noticeable yet, it just hurts really bad to touch or when I put chapstick on to rub my lips together. Any form of stretching the skin makes it hurt. Does it sound like a pimple? It happened after kissing my boyfriend. Is there anything I can do for it?|||CONGRADULATIONS, YOU HAVE HERPES.


PS: dont stress over it, herpes is as common as a cold. now if it were genital gherpes then you%26#039;d have a problem.

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