Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have this pimple thingie on the tip of my nose, and it's popped, and it hurts when I press it. What is it?

In the morning it was filled with this white pus, and I squeezed my nose, and it came out, and it hurts when I press it, and it%26#039;s kind of purpley around it, like a bruise. It%26#039;s red, and there%26#039;s like, a dent.|||its probably a white head bc/ of the white pus... u shouldn%26#039;t pop them. even though pus comes out and it seems like u got rid of the bad stuff theres still bacteria beneath your skin. popping it damaged the skin around it and will allow that bacteria to spread, causing more pimples to pop up.|||Its probably a pimple.|||I would say it is a pimple thingie.

Try not to touch it though, pimples are your bodies way of gettig rid of impurities and if you pop them, you break the skin, which can cause scarring.|||its still a pimple none the less

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