Saturday, December 26, 2009

I had a pimple. I squeezed it. The bruise has been there for over a month. How do I get rid of the bruise?

It sounds like you may have hyperpigmentation that looks like a bruise. They fade, but it takes a long time.

You can find a cream that contains vitamin K. If it is indeed a bruise, the vitamin k will treat it, however, the best medicine and diagnosis is from your doctor.

You should make an appointment and have it looked at to make sure everything is fine. I%26#039;m sure it is, but better to be safe than sorry.

Best wishes~~~|||Trust me...

You should use herbal cream like Zenmed Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment:鈥?/a>

You can expect great results :-)

|||uhm go see a dermatologist maybe

but next time you are NOT supposed to squeeze pimples, they can leave things like bruises and scars.|||it is something serious, consult a doctor if not it may reman dark spots on ur face|||DON%26#039;T squeeze it.

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