Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to get rid of an open wound pimple?

Tuesday i had an small cold sore pimple on the right side on my nose, after touching and scratching it alot, i%26#039;ve made into a open wound :( pls help i want this to go away or heal a little better. I tried putting ice and dab warm hot water but that doesn%26#039;t seem to work. I%26#039;ve tried to just put lotion on so it can dry, and it is still not work. Any suggestions or advice will b helpful. Thank You =)|||mix a little bit of salt and warm water, and dab it on. it will help it heal.

trust me, this works!!!

good luck.|||I really would leave it alone. Your body can take care of itself and agitating it just puts it off longer. It may not look the best but you should let it heal by itself.

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