Friday, January 8, 2010

Is it normal to have a pimple on your ball sack?

Is it normal To have a pimple on your ballsack? should i be concerned? im deathly afraid of STDs and i was like %26quot;wtf is that? %26quot; and it popped like a normal pimple. I do shave that area and my sack, and upon investiagtion a hair is in that spot (thus the pimple was around the base of the hair) so i thought maybe theres a corilation? help|||it could have been just an ingrown hair or a slight infection in the follicle. It may have even been just a razor bump. I think you%26#039;re fine. (I don%26#039;t know of any STDs that give you pimples down there.)

m|||Actually, this had happened to me before. It looked like a normal pimple and popped like one too. I was concerned and checked it out online. It turns out that your penis can get pimples just like any other part of your body. Nothing to worry about man.|||listen to M Y he%26#039;s clued up

shaving any part of the body can lead to ingrown hairs and slight infections of the hair follicles.

exfoliating helps - keep it a regular thing, and keep the area clean (obviously)|||if you%26#039;re concerned see a doctor but I guess if it popped and healed there seems to be no problem. But if you are really concerned by all means get it checked.|||HERPES!!!!|||See a doctor it could be a infection trying to escape out the bump.|||I%26#039;ve had it. It went away after regular washing.|||sounds like an ingrowing hair. don%26#039;t worry! was just a zit! they come in funny places :)

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