Friday, January 8, 2010

I have a very red poped pimple and I have a date tomorrow...How can I bring down the swelling a lot?

Put a small amount of toothpaste on it for about 1 hour,I know it sounds weird but this really works. After 1 hour put a spoon that has been in the freezer on the pimple,do this until the spoon loses it%26#039;s chill repeat this 3-4 times. It should look tons better for your date. Good Luck I hope it works as well for you.|||Well if you have the time go to your dermatologist and get a cortisone injection. Now I know it sounds painful but its not i%26#039;ve had 3 and i just got one today and it really works. I work in a dermatologists office so I know this stuff really does work. And it%26#039;s fairly cheap. Also the toothpaste thing does work too but cortisone works faster|||I just had one on my nose too. If the pimple is really bad, I suggest you go see a doctor. Meanwhile perhaps you can try rubbing it gently with pimple cream so that pus comes out and the swelling goes down. Worked for me, you can try :)|||Another poster mentioned using toothpaste. This site lists the toothpaste treatment as well as the aspirin treatment (aspirin reduces inflammation):鈥?/a>

If you have sensitive skin or if you are taking any medications, be very careful applying aspirin to your skin, as it does enter (minimally) your system this way. I have used aspirin paste to treat sunburns.

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